With no plan in mind, I just strolled around the room when suddenly my gaze was directed toward the lovely class ring table. One side for women, the other for men. Being the average woman, immediately my eyes dart to the shiny objects, as I squeal in delight.
I have bought a class ring before, while in high school, but I wanted the"official" Point Park ring. It was so pretty! You could choose yellow or white gold or Celestrium, a non-precious metal. You can choose your stone, engravings, side panels, along with other features. I got yellow gold with asn emerald stone with the Point Park "P" imprinted in gold on the stone. On the sides, I got the Point Park Crest, BA, a journalism symbol and 2009, with my name engraved on the inside. It was so pretty!
Currently, it's on sale, which is good, since it was originally $565, but for me, $429. :) Which is still not cheap, but it's about $150 cheaper, which is good enough for me; I can't pass up a sale!
I wear my high school ring almost every day, so I know I will get use of this ring. You can make payments if you cannot afford it all right now and it is really something nice to have, I would say.
Wow. I will graduate summer (maybe winter) of 2009 and I haven't even thought of a class ring! I go to WVU...the official ring is too bulky for my tastes. Plus I'm a non-traditional student (I'm 28) and initially thought it may be a bit ostentatious. But now your post has me thinking otherwise...
Thanks for your comment! I'm glad I have a small power of persuasion, thanks for reading my blog and sharing your thoughts!
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